Didn’t get the HPAT for Medicine – what are my options ?

While it may feel like a shock and a great disappointment you must quickly bounce back and focus on your CAO choices. So here are a few

– pick a similar degree & come back to medicine

– do a gap year & retake HPAT

– go for a different heath career

– choose something else

Pick a similar Degree & come back to medicine

Identify similar courses to studying medicine and start on one of these degrees. On completion with at least a 2:1 honours degree and successful completion of the GAMSAT you’ll be able to apply for the graduate-entry route to medicine – this is generally a four year degree and open to graduates of any cognate degree subject (yes Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, and STEM based areas). However if you do similar subjects in your degree to those in the first years of Medicine then the graduate route will most likely be familiar and easier, and perhaps you may even be able to request exemptions from certain modules if you have covered them in your undergraduate course (eg physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, chemistry, anatomy, etc – check the medicine degrees descriptions). The disadvantage of this route is that it takes a few years longer (probably 8 years in total as opposed to 5/6 years) and the graduate-entry fees, etc make it considerably costlier than the undergraduate option. While this option gives you the opportunity to come back to study medicine later it also offers you other career options.

Do a gap year & retake HPAT

Take a year out to practice and retake the HPAT next year. This will also give you the added advantage of time to seek out health related work experience/s and most importantly personal conversations with professionals about their choices and experiences. It also offers the benefit of focused time to research to better inform yourself about what lays ahead in the study and training required to become a doctor, with the distraction of the leaving cert, CAO & college/university choices and school. These added experiences and information often lead to greater maturity of choice and focus of effort, whatever you choose.

Go for a different heath career

Decide to focus on a different health related career and give-up on studying medicine – most of us are suited to many diverse careers in which we can be successful and very often our choices are just a reflection of our preferences as we try to match our needs, interests, aspirations and strengths. We can be happy in many career directions.

Choose something else

Do a totally different degree type – probably only a good idea if you are well informed and committed to the course. Maybe the year out option might be better if you haven’t researched alternatives or are unsure – see above.

And of course there are other options out there.

Qualifax & CareersPortal will help you list the alternatives but also check out the university’s own degree description section ‘what can you do with your degree in …’ . And of course talk to your loved ones. If you need more then call us for professional help.

So yeah, not alway easy, these are adult choices – pick one, commit yourself to it and make sure you enjoy the journey.

How can I choose the right CAO course for me? – 7 steps to making the right choice for a brighter future

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The CAO & university college application deadlines are here. And perhaps you’re already into exams mode …

If you’re still undecided here are a few pointers;

  • Start with jotting down what you think interests you most, asking how it relates to your strengths/talents – what you’d like to be good at and/or skills you’d like to develop – if you’re not sure what you’d prefer just ask your family, friends, take interest questionnaires/aptitude tests, or book a consultation https://caseycareers.ie/contact/
  • Decide if you’d prefer a definite/career-focused course,  or are you a broad/open-ended/academic learner?
  • Investigate where you can do it – save yourself time by being very specific when using CareersPortal & Qualifax (Eunicas for courses in the EU), Unibrowse or OnetOnline
  • Check out their Open Day/event, Higher Options or local Careers Fair – you can get a full list of these on the Qualifax Events Calendar
  • Organise your own visit for your top few choices if your school isn’t doing one – it’s up to you to find a way to get informed
  • Review the full course details online and jot down anything you’re unsure about – you will want these questions to be answered
  • Share your findings & experiences with your family & friends – this is the bit that helps you clarify your feelings about these choices before you make a final commitment

Do yourself a favour, get stuck into the task now. Get informed & set yourself a definite goal. You’ll feel better, more purposeful and in control of your own destiny.

And don’t worry, if you’re not applying for any restricted courses then you can always change your preferences once the system wakens up on the 1st of May.

If you feel confused or overwhelmed or you feel you just need a bit of help call for a free 15 minute initial consultation  051436029 / 0863107356 / 012820966

You can’t enjoy life without skills

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There’s immense pleasure to be had from acquiring skills,

in learning how to do anything well.

Life is enhanced & fulfilling by learning the discipline of a skill, even though it often takes a lot of time & effort.

To be happy,

is to be able to develop your skills, talents & intelligences

in a endeavour based on the learning that interests you most.

To Identify your preferences & strengths and make smarter choices  BOOK NOW

Need guidance but going nowhere?

If you feel confused or overwhelmed or you feel you just need a bit of help call for a free 15 minute initial consultation BOOK NOW

Physiotherapy – alternate routes


Decided you want to become a Physiotherapist?

What alternate routes are available to those who are committed to their goal but don’t get an offer for the undergraduate course?

  • One option is to take a course taught through English at a European university – checkout EUNICAS and note how many are at lower fees!
  • Not on the cards?  Here are some alternatives and these back-up plans can be a dream-saver – you need some insurance options.   Identify the closest courses which are of similar study to Physio and serve as a good foundation.  Then check/ask if they’re acceptable to the university of your choice as broadly scientific enough for entry to Physio at a later stage – either advanced entry to 1st or 2nd year in an Undergraduate degree or accelerated intensive Professional Masters (pre-registration) conversion course.

So your list might look something like this (in order of relevance);

  1. Physio (your TOP choice, at as many Uni’s as possible)
  2. Athletic Therapy & Training,  Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Training, Physiology & Health Science
  3. Health & Performance Science, Sports Strengthening & Conditioning
  4. Sports Science, Sports & Exercise/Health Sciences, Sports Science & Physiology or even Health & Disease
  5. A broad Science degree with Biology in 1st year and stated Degree Specialism in either Physiology or Anatomy plus other useful secondary subjects like Biochemistry/Chemistry/Physics

Your  insurance options do not all need to be at the same level – you can choose to take them at a lower lever with the ultimate aim of moving up the academic ladder to your goal.   You could take one at Certificate or Diploma level, or perhaps avail of the Further Education to Higher Education routes – if you choose the latter make sure that your FE/FET/QQI course is accepted (& relevant) for the HE course of your choice, eg a Physiology/Anatomy based course.

If you struggle to find the information you need then ask your friends, family or Guidance Counsellor for help (we all need a hand at times) and then talk it through with them.


This list is a guide only – there could well be other routes which you should investigate.

target your career search

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Register with professional organisations, graduate careers services and use job matching online systems to target your career search – 70% jobs not advertised.  Employers are turning to these sites in order to avoid the poor percentages of applicants meeting their selection criteria;  On traditional job sites just c 0.5% meet criteria ,  but on the Graduate Careers site such as www.gradireland.com c 24% meet the employers criteria.

Increase you chances of securing that job by finding and sign up with these services to receive relevant alerts. 

Employers are targeting their selection methods, so you need to target your career search in order to reach them.

Teacher Training Abroad

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Revised EU rules for getting Teacher training from Jan 2011;

You must also complete any period of professional accreditation in the country of your training and get fully recognised as a qualified teacher before you seek recognition in another country.

This means if you start a teaching qualification abroad after 1st Jan 2011 you must go on to do your probationary year (usually) and get registered/recognised as a qualified teacher in that country before you return home.

see  http://bit.ly/aOSrSW

What jobs will be available in about 10 years?

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Key message from Industry & Educational leaders at the IBEC/IGC conference Feb ’10
