Casey Career Consultancy Brochure


Casey Career Consultancy Brochure

    4 Responses to “Casey Career Consultancy Brochure”

  1. Mike Gilligan

    Just turned 47,lots of life experience in construction,quarrying as a self employed successful businessman ,totally wiped out by recession.Fixing washing machines now for a living,stuck in rut,hungry to succeed in life again but need guidance,ideas,a goal to achieve,my imagination rekindled,a driven person need a focus for that drive.
    Just read your Webpage and had a sudden moment of hope,maybe you can help me out of this fog.
    Mike Gilligan

    • Joe

      Hi Mike,

      It looks like my reply didn’t go out to you.

      Perhaps you could give me a call to discuss your needs.


  2. Mary Scarry

    Can you please forward me on a careers consultancy brochure

  3. Thank you for spending some time to post “Casey Career Consultancy Brochure

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