Know your mind –
How your mind sees the world around you; how you interpret and understand stuff; how you learn best. Try to identify what you’re really good at – can you be specific on the skills, talents or multiple intelligences you love using whenever you get a chance?
Know your preferences –
What you love; what catches your attention at home, when you’re out & about, at work, school or uni/col, in the newsagent or bookshop, the library or on the net, inside or outside. What do you love pursuing, what catches your imagination? What do naturally feel an affinity for or gravitate towards, what do you most like to find out about. How can you translate that into learning for a particular career, job role, qualification or leisure activity?
Know your self –
What sort of things do you love doing, what activities, tasks and experiences make you feel happy, alive or content in yourself; how do you love expressing yourself; what pursuits give you the most thrill, delight or pure satisfaction. Trust yourself and choose to express the real you in what you pursue – the rest will eventually follow.